Friday, September 08, 2006

Development of sustainable networks

Over the past few weeks I have come to see that the people that I am called to care for are becoming more and more my support network. In the job I do there is little or no support from the over arching Churches of Christ conference. We are expected to build our own networks and seek our own accountability. Seems like bullshit to me when the most likely to burn out are the ones that don’t have time to pursue their own care.

But for me, I have had students asking me how I am going and really caring for me. Stuff like lollies and offering to by me a drink from the canteen has shown me that my wellbeing is not ignored by the kids. My question is why is this coming from people who are not in a position of care within the structure of churches of Christ? My answer would have to be, because I have a relationship with these people, and I don’t have one with my conference.

That said a mate took me out for a coffee the other night to see how I was coping with the sale of our latest campsite. She has nothing to do with our conference but she saw that I was struggling with where I was at and took steps to make sure I didn’t feel alone. That made me feel as though I was worth something to someone outside of my immediate care network.

The biggest problem with being cared for by those you are responsible for caring for, is that you can sometimes skew the relationship to be about you. It is a fine line and one that I think most ministers have to toe. I cannot understand how a relationship can be completely one sided. Both parties have to get something out of it, whether it is being heard or feeling like you make a difference to somebody.

Now that I have talked myself in circles, I do want to say that I believe a conference of churches has a repsonsabliity to see that all ministers in its employ or sphere of influence, are cared for. This prevents harm to both ministers and churches. Makes sense to me.

1 comment:

Darce said...

Ur in a tough position. But don't ever think that there aren't people who care about you and who want the best for you. Just like you expect the kids to seek you out for counsel - you can seek out some of us too (and thanks for sharing the other night - it meant a lot). Despite the fact that you may not be getting the support that you need from the church, don't think we don't love and appreciate you and I personally am always available for a chat!