Friday, August 25, 2006

The Church is a messy place to be

My church conference recently decided to sell a campsite. Which you may say is not a big deal, and I might agree with you. The actual sale is not that big a deal. For me the decision and how it was made is a big deal.

I believe that all people who are impacted by this decision should have a place to have their voice heard. Call it a forum, call it democracy, call it a family meeting, whatever you call it, it should happen!

Too often I hear "we should submit to the vision of the church" and to a small extent I agree. Unfortunately I am human and my vision for the church is different to others. Joe SeniorPerson in the next pew over has a different vision for the church than me, what makes mine more valid?

Wouldn't we be stronger in our vision if we had some dialogue to work out where we are and where we want to be?

We need the dissadent voices to hold the Church accountable. Posted by Picasa

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