Friday, February 24, 2006

I have found my Christ

The other day I was talking to a student about some of the shit stuff that has been going on for her. What it reminded me of was that I cannot fix everything. Sometimes I get ahead of myself or do stuff under my own steam, but every now and then I get slapped around and am forced to recognise that I am human and the world is beyond my control.

I see Christ in those that teach me that this journey is about humans. That we can live and fix, cut, paste and sought things out but every now and then we need to allow ourselves to be shattered and crucified with those who get lost in the system, exploited or just plain screwed.

I found an image of Christ and had to go and have a cry.

1 comment:

Mark Riessen said...

LOL, I can't believe people spam blogs either. Peter you know you can block spamers with word verification.

Pete I'm looking forward to you posting another blog. I've been reading up on the camp Acacia stuff and am planning on attending conversations. I remember you said you were going to blog about it so I'm offering to participate in the conversation. I'll probably blog about it as well. Add me to your links if you like.
