Monday, October 18, 2004

Emerging Church Emerging Spirituality

Bonsai Trees
I bought myself a bonsia tree yesterday and I have noticed an increase in their popularity, once I got it home and began to read about them and the processes that are needed I was a little suprised. I thought, little tree, little work. You have to water everyday, feed them regularly, shape them, trim them wire them and sing to them! there is more work and it is all on such a small scale. So I got to thinking about the emerging interest in this peace finding spirit that I have observed more and more amongst people in my age group.

Prayer Flags.
I am starting to see more people who know what prayer flags are and think they are a great idea. I watch the lifestyle channel a fair bit and see stuff like this all the time now. The material on the flags is not hemd and so the loose threads fly off and carry the prayers that have been prayed onto that flag off on the wind. Cool idea.

This used to be considered a tree hugging hippy thing to do, but they are becoming more and more commonplace. Prayer and meditation are just another aspect of a quite normal lifestyle.

Renewed Interest in Surfing
More people are into surfing, I guess with cars, fashion and surfboards becoming more accessable than ever this is a given. But it is interesting to see that the 'surfer lifestyle' with mediation and peace, being at one with the ocean is becoming a fairly accepted thing to do.

Yoga now accepted part of lifestyle
Yoga is still considered a hippy, new age, devil possessed thing to do by some narrow minded d$*kheads, but the wider society think nothing of it. There is now an undercurrent of thinking and spirituality that says this is a normal aspect of life. In fact, I hear many people talking about the need to have space and time for reflection, there is a heap of healthy language flying around.

As the Church continues to emerge in this age we need to make sure we hear this and dialogue with the people seeking space and reflection.

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Digger said...

Yeah fair call Pete. Its so true, so many people, particularly mid 20s chicks are into meditation and all that kinda stuff. Every week in the Sunday Age lifestyle magazines you read about people getting in touch with their spirituality.

I think a lot of this is tied to the increasing popularity in the 'New Age' movement-a crappy term that can carry unnecessary baggage, but people know what it means. As a follower of Jesus I am prompted to wonder what elements of that culture are actually elements of God reaching out into the world, wanting to connect with people, and what elements are just plain unhealthy or simply 'not of God'?

Garth said...

First of all you are one of my 'bookmarks' since my page doesn't have links yet. I am quite comitted to pushing spirituality in the emerging church since its not a 'major' in the limnal/traditional/attractional church. If we are to know our God in spirit and truth then why are we known for religiousity? I am currently posting and hopefully challenging in this area.